姓名 |
W-Y. Pauchy Hwang |
職稱 |
特聘教授 |
學歷 |
1977 年賓州大學物理博士 |
辦公室 |
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教學與研究領域 |
探討自然界之基本作用力 ( 以弱作用為主 ) 的性質 ( 如對稱性 ) 及在不同現象中扮演之角色,具體研究題材包括:宇宙之起源 ( 早期宇宙 ) ,以原子核為實驗室探討弱作用,涉及非微擾強作用之弱作用物理現象,弱作用在星球演化末期以及早期宇宙所扮演之角色,對稱性及其破壞之探討,以及與以上題材相關之跨領域研究。研究方面,希望可以用二、三十年之時間(以至退休),協助將台大物理系建立成具有研究傳承以及重要領域的世界重要大學之一;教學方面,希望可以在專業及通識同時著手,協助物理學門在臺灣社會建立明確角色定位,也希望協助教育出對二十一世紀文明或文化具有積極貢獻之更多年青學子。 |
代表著作 |
- Co-author [with Ta-You Wu], “Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields” (Textbook, in English), World Scientific, Singapore, February (1991).
- W-Y. P. Hwang, J. Speth, and G. E. Brown, Hard Form Factors for Meson-Baryon Strong Couplings as Derived from Deep Inelastic Lepton Scattering, Z. Phys. A-Hadrons and Nuclei, 339, 383 (1991).
- W-Y. P. Hwang, C. Liu, and K.-C. Tzeng, Dense Stars with Exotic Configurations, Z. Phys. A.-Hadrons and Nuclei, 338, 223 (1991).
- E. M. Henley, W-Y. P. Hwang, and L. S. Kisslinger, The Axial Coupling Constants and Chiral Symmetry Restoration, Phys. Rev. D46, 431 (1992).
- W-Y. P. Hwang, QCD Sum Rules and Chiral Symmetry Breaking, Z. Phys. C75, 701 (1997).
- Je-An Gu and W-Y. P. Hwang, Can the Quintessence be a Complex Scalar Field, Phys. Lett. B517, 1 (2001).
- What Happened to the Cosmological QCD Phase Transition? (invited paper at the Tenth Asia Pacific Physics Conference, APPC10, Pohang, Korea, August, 2007), W-Y. P. Hwang, Korean Journal of Physics, (2008), in press.
- Hwang-Kim-Primakoff Methods (a Review Paper), W-Y. Pauchy Hwang, AAPPS Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 12-16, 2008.
- Parity-violating Nuclear Force as derived from QCD Sum Rules, W-Y. P. Hwang and Chih-Yi Wen, Phys. Rev. C, (2008) Accepted for Publication.
- The Role of Solar Neutrinos in the Jupiter, Valery Burov and W.Y. Pauchy Hwang, astro-ph, arXiv: 0806.0429; Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted for publication, (2008).
- The Family Problem, W-Y. Pauchy Hwang, hep-ph, arXiv: 0808.2091; Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted for publication, (2008).