姓名 |
Ning-Ning Pang |
職稱 |
教授 |
學歷 |
1995 年哥倫比亞大學物理博士 |
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教學與研究領域 |
最近十幾年,在無序系統下的臨界現象,受到廣泛的注意,其應用的範圍包括界面生長,生物演化,河床侵蝕等等,尤其是自然組織,趨向臨界現象,而不需外在的機制控制,是最引人注意的研究領域,許多相關的性質及其與實際自然現象間的關聯是主要探討的範圍。此外,在漲落系統中全域背景的存在,常會干擾正確的統計分析,而造成錯誤的解釋,因此在各種實際的系統,如DNA序的分析,氣候溫度的變化,以及生物細菌菌落隨時間的演化狀況等,均需要做更仔細的相關性函數的分析與探討. |
代表著作 |
- Pang, N.-N. (2016) Structural and Functional Robustness of the Adaptive-Sorting Signaling Network, Journal of Statistical Mechanics 063306.
- Hu, G.-M., Lee, C.-Y., Chen, Y.-Y., Pang, N.-N., and Tzeng, W.-J. (2012) Mathematical Model of Heterogeneous Cancer Growth with an Autocrine Signaling Pathway: Cell Proliferation 45, p. 445-455.
- Pang, N.-N. and Tzeng, W.-J.(2010) Extensive Studies on Linear Growth Processes with Spatiotemporally Correlated Noise in Arbitrary Substrate Dimensions: Physical Review E82, 031605.
- Pang, N.-N. , Tzeng, W.-J., and Kao H.-C. (2008) Efficient Scheme for Parametric Fitting of Data in Arbitrary Dimensions: Physical Review E78, 011112.
- Pang, N.-N. and Tzeng, W.-J. (2008) On the Long-Term Fitness of Cells in Periodically-Switching Environments: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 70, p. 210-235.
- Pang, N.-N. ,Li, W.-R., Chang, Y.-C., Tzeng, W.-J., and Wang, J. (2007) Dynamics of Growing Surfaces by Linear Equations in 2+1 Dimensions: Physical Review E 75, 011603.