姓名 |
Hong-Chang Yang |
職稱 |
教授 |
學歷 |
1983年愛荷華州立大學物理博士 |
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教學與研究領域 |
研究專長領域為超導量子干涉元件(SQUID)物理與磁學應用; 薄膜與光電元件物理; 光激發原子磁量計物理與應用; 光激發氦三稀有氣體物理與生醫應用; 奈米磁性粒子與檢測應用; SQUID磁共振造影與檢測應用; 心磁波圖像、腦磁圖影像測量與數據處理; 心臟生理學; 人腦科學研究。教學科目:高等實驗物理、固態物理, 基礎實驗物理等。
1. 量子元件物理與磁性檢測應用:
以SQUID偵測器來研發低磁場磁共振造影術, 生物標地物及腫瘤檢應用。
3. 高敏感度原子磁量計之研發;
4. 奈米磁性粒子, 磁性測量技術與免疫研究;
5. 生物磁場訊號之檢測研究:
將敏感之磁場感測器應用於心磁波圖像、腦磁圖影像研究。 |
代表著作 |
- H.H. Chen, Hong-Chan Yang, H.E. Horng, Y.Y. Lee, S.H. Liao, S.Y. Yang, C.H. Chou, L.J. Chang, M.J. Chen, M.Y. Chern, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033422-1-033422-6 (2010).
- Hong-Chang Yang*, Herng-Er Horng, S. Y. Yang and Shu-Hsien Liao, “Advances in biomagnetic research using high-Tc superconducting quantum interference devices”, Supercon. Sci. Technol. Supercond. Sci. Technol. 22, 093001 (2009) (Topical review).
- C.C. Wu , L. Y. Lin , H.C. Huang , Y.B. Liu , M.F. Chen , P.S. Tsai , Y.L. Gao , Shieh-Yueh Yang , Hong-Chang Yang*, W.K. Tseng , T.L. Lee , C.F. Hsuan , Y.H. Lee, “Two-dimensional propagations of magnetocardiac T-wave signals for characterizing the cardiac abnormalities”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 194104-1-194104-3 (2008).
- Hong-Chang Yang*, J. C. Chen, C.H. Wu+, and K. L. Chen, Herng-Er Horng, Yi-Shou Tsai and S. Y. Yang, “The balance and noise properties of directly coupled high-Tc superconducting quantum interference device gradiometers with a serial array”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 033501 (2008).
- Hong-Chang Yang*, Ji-Chen Chen, Chiu-Hsien Wu, and Kuen-Lin Chen, Herng-Er Horng and S.Y. Yang, “High-Tc superconducting quantum interference devices: status and perspectives”, 104, 011101-1-011101-3, (2008). (Selected as the cover image of the Journal)
- C.C. Wu, B.F. Hong, B.H. Wu, S.Y. Yang, and H.E. Horng+,*, H.C. Yang*, W.Y. Tseng, W.K. Tseng, Y.B. Liu, L.C. Lin, and L.S. Lu, and Y.H. Lee, “Animal’s magnetocardiography using superconductive quantum interference device gradiometers assisted with magnetic nanoparticle injection - A sensitive method for early detecting electromagnetic changes induced by hypercholesterolemia”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 054111 (2007).
- Hong-Chang Yang*, Shu-Hsien Liao, Herng-Er Horng*, Shing-Ling Kuo, Hsin-Hsien Chen, and S. Y. Yang, “Enhancement of High-Tc SQUID-detected NMR signals with pre-polarization of magnetization in microtesla magnetic field”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 252505-1-252505-3 (2006).
- C.-Y. Hong, C.C. Wu, Y.C. Chiu, S.Y. Yang, H.E. Horng, and H.C. Yang*, “Magnetic Susceptibility Reduction Method for Magnetically Labeled Immunoassay”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 212512-1-1212512-3 (2006).
- C. H. Wu, U.C. Sou, J. C Chen, K. L. Chen and H. C. Yang*, M. H. Hsu and T. S Lai, J. T. Jeng, Y. S. Tsai and H. E. Horng, “Influence of bicrystal microstructural defects on high-transition-temperature direct-current superconducting quantum interference device”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 102504-1-102504-3 (2006).Labeled Immunoassay”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 212512-1-1212512-3 (2006).