姓名 |
Kang-Lung Wang |
職稱 |
特聘講座教授 |
學歷 |
1970 年美國麻省理工學院電機系博士 |
辦公室 |
聯絡電話 |
電子郵件 |
wang@ee.ucla.edu |
個人網頁 |
主要經歷 |
- 美國麻省理工學院電機系助理教授(1970-72)
- GE電機工程師/物理學家(1972-79)
- UCLA電機系教授(1979迄今)、系主任(1993-96)
- 香港科技大學工學院院長(2000-02)
- 美國功能性奈米體系結構工程中心(FENA)院長(2003-12)
- 奈米電子西部學院(WIN)院長(2006迄今)
- 加州奈米系統學院(CNSI)副院長(2007-13)
- 最佳綠色奈米工業技術聯合中心(CEGN)院長(2009迄今)
- IEEE TNANO主編(2011-14)
- 國家奈米元件實驗室NDL顧問(2004-07)
- 國立臺灣大學凝態科學研究中心評鑑委員(2014)
- 中央研究院物理研究所審查委員(2015)
- UCLA電機工程系雷神講座教授(現職)
榮譽 |
- 古根漢學院獎(1987-1988)
- 美國半導體研究公司(SRC)發明獎(1989, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 2001, 2002-2014)
- 美國IEEE Fellow (1992)
- J.H. Adlers成就獎(1992)
- 歐洲MRS最佳論文獎(1995)
- 美國半導體研究公司(SRC):最佳科技獎(1995)、最佳論文獎 (2000)、傑出服務獎 (2000)
- 北美洲成功大學校友基金會傑出校友獎(2001)
- 北京清華大學及南京大學榮譽教授(2002)
- 台積電清華大學榮譽講座(2004)
- 義大利Torino理工大學榮譽博士獎(2005)
- 中國科學院半導體所榮譽教授(2005)
- 美國雷神講座教授獎(2007)
- IBM教授獎(2007)
- 美國半導體工業協會(SIA)傑出研究獎(2009)
- 成功大學傑出校友獎(2012)
- 潘文淵文教基金會研究傑出獎(2015)
教學與研究領域 |
Currently, Dr. Wang works on the physics, materials and devices for low energy dissipation in electronics
and spintronics. He continues to advance the frontiers in these areas. His recent work on topological
insulators is of a prime example. His continuous work results in various mechanisms to improve the
performance of magnetic memory and devices to reduce dissipation. More recently he works on spin
orbit torque, and other innovative areas of spintronics.
Spin-Orbit Torque: He continues to study the spin orbit coupling and its engineering for energy efficient
physics, mechanisms and devices. To improve the energy efficient switching of magnets, he explores the
use of the spin-momentum lock of Dirac fermions of the surfaces states of topological insulators, e.g.,
BiSbTe for spin orbit torque and switching of magnetic thin films. He has discovered giant spin orbit
torques from the Dirac fermions. In addition to the important practical applications, it points to the new
research directions to further uncover the engineering of SOC.
Magneto-Electric Magnetic Random Access Memory (Me-RAM): His work on voltage controlled
magnetic memory continues to improve the efficiency of voltage control by lifelong interface materials
and structures. As a result, the working voltage is continuously scaled down to further reduce energy
dissipation. His work also extends to antiferromagnetic materials which will have a potential of increasing
performance frequency to THz.
Topological Insulator and Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE): He has worked on MBE growth and
characterizations for several decades. Recently he is one of the leaders in growth of topological insulators,
dilute magnetic semiconductors. This long term research led to many breakthrough in condensed matters
such as discovery of giant spin orbit torque and quantum anomalous Hall, dissipationless transport
without applied magnetic field. His research continues towards understanding new physics and
developing material and devices for room temperature operation. His creative material growth by MBE
led to the consistent reproducible result of quantum Anomalous Hall effect. The consistent reproducible
result led to his recent discovery/verification of hypothetic Majorana Fermions. |