


【獎學金】理學院國際交流獎學金《113年第四梯次》補助名單 List of recipients of CoS scholarship

《113年第四梯次》獎學金獲補助名單 List of FINAL round recipients of CoS scholarship in 2024.


⫸『李全璞教授國際交流紀念獎學金 Chuan-Pu Lee Memorial Scholarship』


 .無(No scholarship recipient)


⫸『推廣國際交流獎學金 CoS Travel Grants and Scholarship』


 .國際會議 International Conference:林〇男(Japan)


 .短期研究 Short-term Overseas Research:陳〇諭(Austria)




The above students will be notified by the department office to the "Student ID E-mail". Please pay attention to the letter, prepare the required documents and relevant certificates, and submit to the department office before the deadline. We will not give you another reminder. (if you have not received the email one week from the date of this announcement, please contact the department office).


※ 依理學院規定,獲得本項獎學金者,不得同時領取其他補助。

  According to the regulations of the College of Science, those who receive this scholarship are not allowed to receive other subsidies at the same time.
※ 若您欲放棄本次補助以便改領其他單位之補助,請務必填妥『同意放棄聲明書』並送交至系辦公室,謝謝您。

  If you want to give up this subsidy in order to receive subsidies from other units, please be sure to fill out the "Termination Consent Form" and submit it to the department office. Thank you so much.