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- J. Heslar and S.I. Chu, "Ab Initio Precision Study of High-Lying Doubly Excited States of Helium in Static Electric Fields: Complex-Scaling Generalized Pseudospectral Method in Hyperspherical Coordinates", Phys. Rev. A 86, 032506 (2012).
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- D.A. Telnov, J. Heslar, and S.I. Chu, "Time-Dependent Density Functional Theoretical Methods for Many-Electron Molecular System" in Theoretical and Computational Developments in Modern Density Functional Theory, edited by Amlan K. Roy (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY (USA), 2012), pp. 357-390 .
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- P.-C. Li and S.I. Chu, "High-order-harmonic generation of Ar atoms in intense ultrashort laser fields: An all-electron time-dependent density-functional approach including macroscopic propagation effects", Phys. Rev. A 88, 053415 (2013).
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- D.A. Telnov, K.E. Sosnova, E. Rozenbaum, and S.I. Chu, "Exterior complex scaling method in time-dependent density-functional theory: Multiphoton ionization and high-order-harmonic generation of Ar atoms", Phys. Rev. A 87, 053406 (2013).
- D. Zhao, F. l. Li, and S.I. Chu, "Coherent control and giant enhancement of multiphoton ionization and high-order-harmonic generation driven by intense frequency-comb laser fields: An ab initio theoretical investigation", Phys. Rev. A 87, 043407 (2013).
- D. Zhao, F.-L. Li, and S.I. Chu, "Generation and coherent control of even-order harmonics driven by intense frequency-comb and cavity-mode fields inside a fsEC", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 145403 (2013).
- Z.Y. Zhou and S.I. Chu, "Multiphoton above-threshold ionization in superintense free-electron x-ray laser fields: Beyond the dipole approximation", Phys. Rev. A 87, 023407 (2013).
- K.N. Avanaki, D.A. Telnov, and S.I. Chu, "Above- and below-threshold high-order-harmonic generation of H2+ in intense elliptically polarized laser fields", Phys. Rev. A 90, 033425 (2014).
- M. Chini, X. Wang, Y. Cheng, H. Wang, Y. Wu, E. Cunningham, P.-C. Li, J. Heslar, D.A. Telnov, S.I. Chu, and Z. Chang, "Coherent Phase-Matched VUV Generation by Field-Controlled Bound States", Nature Photonics 8, 437 (2014).
- J. Heslar, D.A. Telnov, and S.I. Chu, "Self-Interaction-Free Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Nonperturbative Treatment of Orientation-Dependent Multiphoton Processes of Diatomic Molecular Systems in Intense Ultrashort Laser Fields", Chinese J. Phys. 52, 578 (2014) [Invited article for a special issue of Chinese Journal of Physics: Ultrafast intense laser science].
- J. Heslar, D.A. Telnov, and S.I. Chu, "Subcycle dynamics of high-order-harmonic generation of He atoms excited by attosecond pulses and driven by near-infrared laser fields: A self-interaction-free time-dependent density-functional-theory approach", Phys. Rev. A 89, 052517 (2014).
- T.S. Ho, H. Rabitz, and S.I. Chu, "Theoretical Foundations for Exploring Quantum Optimal Control of Molecules" in Advances in Multi-photon Processes and Spectroscopy, edited by S.H. Lin and Y. Fujimura (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Hackensack New Jersey (USA), London (UK), 2014), vol. 22, pp. 1-58.
- P.-C. Li, C. Laughlin, and S.I. Chu, "Generation of isolated sub-20-attosecond pulses from He atoms by two-color midinfrared laser fields", Phys. Rev. A 89, 023431 (2014).
- P.-C. Li, Y.-L. Sheu, C. Laughlin, and S.-I. Chu, "Role of laser-driven electron-multirescattering in resonance-enhanced below-threshold harmonic generation in He atoms", Phys. Rev. A 90, 041401(R) (2014).
- Y.L. Sheu, L.Y. Hsu, H.T. Wu, P. -C. Li, and S.I. Chu, "A new time-frequency method to reveal quantum dynamics of atomic hydrogen in intense laser pulses: Synchrosqueezing transform", AIP Advances 4, 117138 (2014).
- D.A. Telnov, K.N. Avanaki, and S.I. Chu, "Subcycle transient structures in time-dependent multiphoton-ionization rates", Phys. Rev. A 90, 043404 (2014).
- D.A. Telnov, J. Heslar, and S.I. Chu, "Effect of nuclear vibration on high-order harmonic generation of aligned H2+ molecules", Phys. Rev. A 90, 063412 (2014).
- K.N. Avanaki, D.A. Telnov, H.Z. Jooya, and Shih-I Chu, "Generation of below-threshold even harmonics by a stretched H2+ molecular ion in intense linearly and circularly polarized laser fields", Phys. Rev. A 92, 063811 (2015).
- Y. Chou, P.-C. Li, T.-S. Ho, and S.I. Chu, "Optimal control of high-order harmonics for the generation of an isolated ultrashort attosecond pulse with two-color midinfrared laser fields", Phys. Rev. A 91, 063408 (2015).
- Y. Chou, P.-C. Li, T.S. Ho, and S.I. Chu, "Generation of an isolated few-attosecond pulse in optimized inhomogeneous two-color fields", Phys. Rev. A 92, 023423 (2015).
- J. Heslar, D.A. Telnov, and S.I. Chu, "Subcycle dynamics of high-harmonic generation in valence-shell and virtual states of Ar atoms: A self-interaction-free time-dependent density-functional-theory approach", Phys. Rev. A 91, 023420 (2015).
- H.Z. Jooya, D.A. Telnov, P.-C. Li, and S.I. Chu, "Exploration of the subcycle multiphoton ionization dynamics and transient electron density structures with Bohmian trajectories", Phys. Rev. A 91, 063412 (2015).
- H.Z. Jooya, D.A. Telnov, P.-C. Li, and S.I. Chu, "Investigation of the characteristic properties of high-order harmonic spectrum in atoms using Bohmian trajectories", J. Phys. B 48, 195401 (2015).
- P.-C. Li, Y.-L. Sheu, C. Laughlin, and S.I. Chu, "Dynamical origin of near- and below-threshold harmonic generation of Cs in an intense mid-infrared laser field", Nature Communications 6, 8178-1 (2015) [link has Supplementary Material ].
- H.Z. Jooya, P.-C. Li, S.-L. Liao, and S.I. Chu, "Generation of isolated ultra-short attosecond pulses by coherent control of the population of excited states", Phys. Lett. A 380, 316 (2016).
- M. Murakami and S.I. Chu, "Photoelectron momentum distributions of the hydrogen atom driven by multicycle elliptically polarized laser pulses", Phys. Rev. A 93, 023425 (2016).