姓名 |
Heng-Yu Chen |
職稱 |
教授 |
學歷 |
2007年 劍橋大學博士 |
辦公室 |
811 |
聯絡電話 |
02-3366-5157 |
電子郵件 |
heng.yu.chen@phys.ntu.edu.tw |
個人網頁 |
主要經歷 |
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 2007-August 2011
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cincinnati and University of Kentucky, September 2011-January 2012
教學與研究領域 |
超對稱規範場論, 超弦理論, 可積分系統, 數學物理 |
代表著作 |
- BPS States in Omega Background and Integrability.By Kseniya Bulycheva, Heng-Yu Chen, Alexander Gorsky, Peter Koroteev.[arXiv:1207.0460 [hep-th]]. JHEP 1210 (2012) 116.
- A 5d/3d duality from relativistic integrable system.By Heng-Yu Chen, Timothy J. Hollowood, Peng Zhao.[arXiv:1205.4230 [hep-th]]. JHEP 1207 (2012) 139.
- A New 2d/4d Duality via Integrability.By Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Timothy J. Hollowood, Sungjay Lee.[arXiv:1104.3021 [hep-th]]. JHEP 1109 (2011) 040.
- Wall Crossing and Instantons in Compactified Gauge Theory.By Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Kirill Petunin.[arXiv:1004.0703 [hep-th]]. JHEP 1006 (2010) 024.
- On Supersymmetric D7-branes in the Warped Deformed Conifold.By Heng-Yu Chen, Peter Ouyang, Gary Shiu.[arXiv:0807.2428 [hep-th]]. JHEP 1001 (2010) 028.
- Systematics of multi-field effects at the end of warped brane inflation.By Heng-Yu Chen, Jinn-Ouk Gong, Gary Shiu.[arXiv:0807.1927 [hep-th]]. JHEP 0809 (2008) 011.
- Comments on the Boundary Scattering Phase.By Heng-Yu Chen, Diego H. Correa.[arXiv:0712.1361 [hep-th]]. JHEP 0802 (2008) 028.
- Quantum scattering of giant magnons.By Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Rui F. Lima Matos.
- [arXiv:0707.0668 [hep-th]]. JHEP 0709 (2007) 106.The Asymptotic spectrum of the N=4 super Yang-Mills spin chain.By Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Keisuke Okamura.[hep-th/0610295]. JHEP 0703 (2007) 005.
- On the scattering of magnon boundstates.By Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Keisuke Okamura.[hep-th/0608047]. JHEP 0611 (2006) 035.
- Dyonic giant magnons.By Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Keisuke Okamura.[hep-th/0605155]. JHEP 0609 (2006) 024.