


【獎學金】理學院『推廣國際交流獎學金』(CoS Travel Grants and Scholarship)《113年第一梯次 First Round》(已截止)


There are four rounds this year, and it's the FIRST round.



It is unable to apply retrospectively except for the FIRST round each year.


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.系所收件截止日期 Deadline:Wednesday, February 21, 2024


.申請資格 Eligibility:物理系(所)/天文所/應物所之大學部及研究所在學學生
 All undergraduates and graduate students of NTU Physics, Astrophysics & Applied Physics can apply for this grant.

 ※ 持有低收入戶或中低收入戶證明者可優先申請補助(請主動提出)


.接受申請項目 Application Project:
 1. 交換生 Student Exchange
 2. 海外短期研習 Short-term Overseas Research
 3. 其他特殊原因(如:出席國際會議) Other Special Circumstances (Attending International Conferences, etc.)


.申請方式 Application Steps:

 1. 請下載並使用最新表格:https://bit.ly/3LBDDi0
  Please download and use the latest version of the form: https://bit.ly/3LBDDi0.

 2. 請將所有申請文件製成『PDF電子檔』並上傳至:https://bit.ly/3rTwcff
  Please make all application documents into PDF files and upload it to: https://bit.ly/3rTwcff

 ※ 免收紙本 NO NEED to submit paper documents


※超重要的備註 Important Notice!!(請仔細看過再提申請):

   The amount of subsidy in the regulations is for reference only. The actual amount may vary depending on the amount of funding and the number of applicants.

   Awardees shall not receive any other scholarships, grants, or financial assistance while receiving funding from the present grant.

   Applicants must submit an application for "Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences" to the NSTC in advance or at the same time.