Name |
Shau-Yu Lan |
Title |
Associate Professor |
Education |
PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (2009) |
Office |
629 |
Tel |
02-3366-5170 |
E-mail |
sylan@ntu.edu.tw |
Web |
https://lanresearchlabs.org/ |
Experiences |
- Associate Professor, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University 2023.8-
- Associate Professor, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2022.09 – 2023.07
- Assistant Chair of School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2023.01 – 2023.05
- Nanyang Assistant Professor, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2013.09 – 2022.08
- Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California at Berkeley, USA 2009.01 – 2013.07
Awards |
- 2022 Yushan Young Fellow, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
- 2022 2030 Cross-Generation International Outstanding Young Scholars
- 2018 School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University,Young Researcher Award, Singapore
- 2013 National Research Foundation Fellowship, Singapore
Research |
I am an experimentalist broadly interested in quantum sensing, quantum communication, atomic, molecular, and optical physics, and quantum optics.
Current research topics include:
•Ultra-cold atoms in hollow-core fiber platforms for quantum sensing and quantum information
•Quantum gas and atom interferometry in optical lattices for quantum sensing and precision measurement
•Continuous variable quantum computation with neutral atoms
•Motion sensing using quantum interference in thermal atomic vapor using electromagnetically induced-transparency
My group currently work on the ultra-cold atoms in hollow-core fibers, developing it into a stand-alone atom interferometric sensor that doesn’t require any ultra-high vacuum enclosure. The miniaturized and high spatial resolution fiber sensor can, e.g., be embedded in tiny gaps of rocks or soils to measure the gravity anomaly for field tomography and geophysics. It can also be used in measuring the magnetic field of biological samples or materials at short distances. For fundamental physics, such a device will have the sensitivity for testing short-range forces and measuring Newton’s constant G. In quantum memories, fibers offer scalable platforms to increase the optical density of atoms while preserving the temperature of atoms. It will allow for achieving simultaneously high efficiency and long memory time, overcoming the obstacle of free-space memories to significantly improve the performance of the quantum network and quantum repeaters. In the long run, one can envision guiding quantum states of matter in the fiber over long and reconfiguring trajectories, similar to guiding photons.
Recently, we have demonstrated quantum control of atoms in a harmonic oscillator formed by an optical lattice. For example, a Schrödinger cat state interferometer was demonstrated in an optical lattice potential. Moreover, we have realized the rapid generation of squeezed states by sudden changes of the potential of a one-dimensional optical lattice, a textbook example illustrating the nonadiabaticity of quantum mechanics that was never realized experimentally. We overcame the quantum speed limit to generate squeezing three orders of magnitude faster than previous methods. We plan to demonstrate building blocks of continuous-variable quantum information, such as two-mode squeezed state, teleportation, and dense coding. We also plan to extend and combine these results to investigate three-axis gyroscopes based on cold atoms trapped in a three-dimensional optical harmonic potential. In the long run, we aim to miniaturize gyroscopes using quantum particles instead of light while maintaining their sensitivity and flexibility in terms of implementation.
Selected Publications |
- Mingjie Xin, Wui Seng Leong, Zilong Chen, Yu Wang, and Shau-Yu Lan. Rapid quantum squeezing by jumping harmonic oscillator's frequency. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 183602 (2021).
- Wui Seng Leong, Mingjie Xin, Zilong Chen, Shijie Chai, Yu Wang, and Shau-Yu Lan. Large array of Schrödinger cat states facilitated by an optical waveguide. Nat Commun 11, 5295 (2020).
- Zilong Chen, Hong Ming Lim, Chang Huang, Rainer Dumke, and Shau-Yu Lan. Quantum enhanced velocimetry with Doppler-broadened atomic vapor. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 093202 (2020).
- Mingjie Xin, Wui Seng Leong, Zilong Chen, and Shau-Yu Lan. Transporting long-lived quantum spin coherence in a photonic crystal fiber. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 163901 (2019).
- Mingjie Xin, Wui Seng Leong, Zilong Chen, and Shau-Yu Lan. An atom interferometer inside a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. Sci. Adv. 4, e1701723 (2018).
- Pei-Chen Kuan, Chang Huang, Wei Sheng Chan, Sandoko Kosen, and Shau-Yu Lan. Large Fizeau’s light-dragging effect in a moving electromagnetically induced transparent medium. Nat Commun 7, 13030 (2016).
- Brian Estey, Chenghui Yu, Holger Müller, Pei-Chen Kuan, and Shau-Yu Lan. High Resolution Atom Interferometers with Suppressed Diffraction Phases. Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 083002 (2015).
- Shau-Yu Lan, Pei-Chen Kuan, Brian Estey, Damon English, Justin Brown, Michael Hohensee, Holger Müller. A clock directly linking time to a particle’s mass. Science, 339, 554. 16 (2013).
- Shau-Yu Lan, Pei-Chen Kuan, Brian Estey, Philipp Haslinger, and Holger Müller. Influence of the Coriolis force in atom interferometry. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 090402 (2012).
- S.-Y. Lan, A. G. Radnaev, O. A. Collins, D. N. Matsukevich, T. A. B. Kennedy and A. Kuzmich. A multiplexed quantum memory. Optics Express 17, 13639 (2009).
- S.-Y. Lan, S. D. Jenkins, T. Chaneliѐre, D. N. Matsukevich, C. J. Campbell, R. Zhao, T. A. B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich. Dual species matter qubit entangled with light. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 123602 (2007).
- T. Chaneliѐre, D. N. Matsukevich, S. D. Jenkins, S.-Y. Lan, R. Zhao, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich. Quantum interference of electromagnetic fields from remote quantum memories. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 113602 (2007).
- D. N. Matsukevich, T. Chaneliere, S. D. Jenkins, S.-Y. Lan, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich. Deterministic single photons via conditional quantum evolution. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 013601 (2006).
- D. Matsukevich, T. Chaneliere, S. D. Jenkins, S.-Y. Lan, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich. Entanglement of remote atomic qubits. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 030405 (2006).
- D. Matsukevich, T. Chaneliere, S. D. Jenkins, S.-Y. Lan, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich. Observation of dark-state polariton collapses and revivals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 033601 (2006).
- T. Chaneliѐre, D. N. Matsukevich, S. D. Jenkins, S.-Y. Lan, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich. Storage and retrieval of single photons transmitted between remote quantum memories. Nature 438, 833 (2005).
- D. N. Matsukevich, T. Chaneliѐre, M. Bhattacharya, S.-Y. Lan, S. D. Jenkins, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich. Entanglement of a photon and a collective atomic excitation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 040405 (2005).