Name |
Ching-Ray Chang |
Title |
Distinguished Professor |
Education |
Ph. D., University of California San Diego (1988) |
Office |
627 |
Tel |
02-3366-5176 |
E-Mail |
crchang@phys.ntu.edu.tw |
Web |
Experiences |
[Current Appointment]
- Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University (from August.1st,1994)
- Director of NTU-IBM Quantum Computer Hub (from Oct.1st, 2018)
- Adjunct Chair Professor, Department of Business Administration, Chung Yuan Christian University (from Feb.1st, 2019)
- Consultant of Hon Hai Research Institute (from Sep. 1, 2020)
- Vice President of Administrative affairs, National Taiwan University (from June 22nd, 2013 – Jan7th, 2019)
- Interim President, National Taiwan University (from June 22nd, 2017 - Sep.30th , 2017)
- Dean of College of Sciences, National Taiwan University (from August.1st, 2011-Jun 21st , 2013)
- General Director of International Cooperation Department, National Sciences Council (from Feb 1st 2008 - Jan. 31st 2011)
- Chairman of Department of Physics, National Taiwan University (from August 1st 2001 to July 31st ,2007)
- Associated Professor, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University (from Feb.1st, 1989)
- Research Scientist, Materials Research Lab. Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (from Sep. 10th, 1988 to Jan. 31st , 1989)
Awards |
[Honors and Distinctions]
- IEEE Nanotechnology Best Paper Award (2019)
- American Physics Society Outstanding Referee (2019)
- Member of Russian International Engineering Academy (2017)
- Honorary Visiting Professor of Universite Paris 13-Sorbonne Paris Cite (2013-2014)
- NTU Distinguished Professor (2012-2015)(2015-2018)
- Corresponding Member of Russian International Engineering Academy (2012)
- The 2011 Magnetic Technology Medal, Taiwan Association of Magnetic Technologies (2011)
- IEEE Fellow (2010)
- Fellow of American Physics Society (2009)
- The 1st Prize of PhD thesis advisor for Lam research Inc. award (2008)
- The award for special contribution of Physics Community of Taiwan Physics Society (2007)
- The 1st Prize of the research advisor for TSMC materials PhD thesis (2006)
- The researching award of Taiwan Information Storage Association (2005)
- The distinguished industrial contribution award in NTU (2004)
- The researching award of Taiwanese Magnetic Society (2004)
- NSC researching awards (including 5 times excellent award before it was terminated at 1996) (1989-2001)
- The honorable teacher award in NTU University (1999)
- The best remote teaching site in NTU network teaching award (1999)
[Professional Societies]
- President of Taiwan Association of Quantum Computation and Information Technology (2021- 2023)
- IEEE Fellow selection committee of Magnetic society, (2013-2015) (2015-2017) (2017-2019)
- Vice Chair of C9: Magnetism: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), (2012-2014).
- President of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, (2012-2013)
- Vice President of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, (2009-2011) (2014-2016).
- Administrative committee of IEEE Magnetic Society (2007-2009), (2011-2012)
- Council member of C9: Magnetism: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) (2005-2008) (2009-2011).
- Council member of AAPPS (2008-2010, 2011-2013,2014-2016)
- Council members of Working Group of Woman in Physics, IUPAP, (2011-2016).
- Chairperson of IEEE: Taiwan Magnetic Chapter (2005-2008)
- IEEE Magnetic Society Technical Committee (2005-2006) (2007-2008).
- President of Taiwan Association of Magnetic Technology, (2007-2008), (2009-2010).
- Executive Secretary of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society (AAPPS) (2005-2007)
- President of Physical Society located in Taipei, ROC (2004-2005).
[Academic Board and Officers]
- CEO of National Taiwan University System (2016-2018)
- The Consultant of Chinese Culture University. (2015-2019).
- International on-site review committee of Physics Department, National University of Singapore. (2014-2019).
- International Advisor Board of NIMS (National Institute for Materials Research), Japan, (2011-2016).
- Advisory Committee of the Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM Ad Comm) AIT, USA (2012-2014).
- Director for Center for Theoretical Physics, NTU (2005-2007).
- Director for Physics North division of National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan (2005-2007).
- Executive member, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan (2005-2007).
[International Journals]
- Managing Editor of the journal of SPIN (2011-)
- Editorial Board of Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials : (2008-2010)
- Deputy-Chief Editor of AAPPS Bulletin (2005-2007)(2008-2009)
- Chief Guest editor for special issue of Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials for ISAMT’99, ISAMT ’03, ISAMT 05.
- Referee for Physics Review B, Physics Review Letters, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Nanotechnology, Applied Physics D, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Physics Materials and Chemistry, Chinese Journal Physics, Physics Letters A, Materials Science and Engineering B, Thin Solid Films.
[International Conferences]
- Honorable Chair of 2nd IcAUMS, 2012, Nara, Japan.
- General Chair of InterMag 2011, Taipei
- Program Committee of InterMag 2009, USA.
- Program Committee of ICM 2009, Germany
- Program Committee of MMM 2007, USA,
- Program committee of InterMag 2005 in Nagoya, Japan.
- The Organizer of World Year of Physics 2005- Taiwan Activities (2005).
- Chief organizer of World Year of Physics in Taiwan (2005).
- Chairperson of 4th Magnetic Asian Forum in Yulin, (2007).
- Session chairman and Program committee of International magnetism conferences, e.g., InterMag, MMM, ISAMT, etc.
- Joint to sponsor local international conferences held by Taiwanese Magnetic Technology Society, e.g., ISAMT, ISPPM, etc.
- The international Chair of “Young Physics Ambassador Symposium”, 2005 in Taipei.
- The chief editor of the Introduction to Physics Department (1994, 1997).
- The chief editor of the Introduction to College of Sciences, NTU(1998)
- Panel for Physics division of National Science Council, ROC (1996-1998), (2000-2003)
- Chief editor (1998) and Consultant (1999) of Bimonthly Physics for Physics Society located at Taipei, ROC.
- Executive Board of Physics Society located at Taipei, ROC(1999-2000)
- Executive Board of National Center for Theoretical Sciences.(1999-2000)
Research |
[Research Activities]
- Quantum Tunneling of Macroscopic Magnetization: A nonequilibrium double-well system may relax to the equilibrium state, either overbarrier or underbarrier. Our studies are concentrated onthe tunneling processes and their time-dependent effect. Contributions of the mutual interactionsand the intermediate states are also interested.
- Dynamic Reversal of Mesoscopic Magnets: To understand the inconsistent between the experimental data and reversal theory, we extend the linear theory to the nonlinear and chaotic regions. High frequency response shows that the magnetization reverses oscillatory and detailed analyses are still in progress.
- Mechanism of Tunneling Magnetoresistance: Spin-dependent tunneling of electrons gives a very large magnetoresistance, we are now studying the possibility of spin-filter to enhance the magnetoresistance.
- Mechanism of Exchange Bias in Spin-valve: The origins of spin valve type multilayers are studied, especially, the topological effects on the magnetic surface anisotropy and antiferromagnetic states are emphasized. Now we are concentrated on the mechanism of exchange bias. Ultimate goal is to find the easy way to build a giant magnetoresistance, low coercivity spin valve.
- Magnetic Recording Theory: Physical processes of the magnetic recording and their associated noises are interested. We currently are concentrated on the thermal noise of bycrystal media.
I am currently involved in a highly successful research group carrying out computational and
theoretical studies of magnetic materials within the Department of Physics, National Taiwan
University. We have collaborated with a lot of experimental groups around the world in addition to
our own departmental experimentalists. A very important and productive collaboration is with the
experimental group in Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. The interaction between theory and
experiment generated by this collaboration makes a vital contribution to the development of both
models and experimental techniques.
My current research activities are focused on the following topics:
I. Quantum Computing and Applications. Prof. Chang and his group involves with the quantum optimization in all kinds of applications and also the fundamental sciences.
II. Magnetism and related Physics properties in 2D materials. Prof. Chang and his coworkers has involved heavily within the magnetoresistance within 2D materials and related transport issues.
III. Spin Transport in Low Dimensional. Prof. Chang and his coworkers found that both the Rashba and the Dresselhause coupling terms of the spin Hamiltonian can be transformed into a free-electron like system, and this transformation consequently maps the complicated dynamic problem of spin transport in 2DEG onto the free electron system.
IV. Dynamic Reversal of Mesoscopic Magnets: To understand the inconsistent between the experimental data and reversal theory, we extend the linear theory to the nonlinear and chaotic regions. High frequency response shows that the magnetization reverses oscillatory and detailed analyses are still in progress.
V. Mechanism of Spin-dependence Transport: Spin-dependent tunneling of electrons gives a very large magnetoresistance, we are now studying the possibility of spin-filter to enhance the magnetoresistance. Spin injection from ferromagnetic region into another ferromagnetic region or the semiconductor are also under intensive studies now.
VI. Mechanism of Exchange Bias in Spin-valve: The origins of spin valve type multilayers are studied, especially, the topological effects on the magnetic surface anisotropy and antiferromagnetic states are emphasized. Now we are concentrated on the mechanism of exchange bias. Ultimate goal is to find the easy way to build a giant magnetoresistance, low coercivity spin valve.
VII. Magnetic Recording Theory: Physical processes of the magnetic recording and their associated noises are interested. We currently are concentrated on the thermal noise of bicrystal media.
[Teaching Experience]
I have experience of teaching at all levels,
General Physics, (1st and 2nd years), Medical Physics Mechanics, Electromagnetics, Modern Physics, Mathematics for Physicists (2nd year),
Introduction to Solid States Physics
Special topics on Surface Sciences, Physics for Magnetic Recording; Introduction to Spintronics
[Graduate Students] 21 Ph. D. and 22 master students graduated.
- Ching-Ming Lee (Graduate Year: 2001),Associate Professor, Graduate School of Materials Science, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
- Zung-Hang Wei (Graduate Year: 2004),Professor, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
- Yuan-Jen Lee (Graduate Year: 2004),Senior Manager, MagIC Technologies, Inc., USA
- Sui-Pin Chen (Graduate Year: 2004),Associate Professor, Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University
- Mei-Feng Lai (Graduate Year: 2005),Professor,Associate Professor, Institute of NanoEngineering,National Tsing Hua University
- Jun-Yang Lai (Graduate Year: 2006),Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics,National Pingtung University of Education
- Ming-Hao Liu (Graduate Year: 2008),Associate Professor, Department of Physics, National Cheng-Kung University
- Son-Hsien Chen(Graduate Year: 2009),Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, University of Taipei
- Kuo-Wei Chen (Graduate Year: 2010),Engineer, TSMC
- Hao-Hsuan Chen (Graduate Year: 2011),Research fellow, Department of Optical Science and Engineering, Fudan University, China
- Chien-Liang Chen (Graduate Year: 2012),Engineer, TSMC
- Jui-Hang Chang (Graduate Year: 2012),Research Fellow, Marketech International Corp.
- Yu-Hsin Su (Graduate Year: 2013),Engineer, TSMC
- Jian-Yuan Chang (Graduate Year: 2013),Postdoctoral, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
- Hsin-Han Lee (Graduate Year: 2014),Research Fellow, Electronic and Optoelectronic System Research , Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
- Huei-Ru Fuh (Graduate Year: 2014),Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering &Materials Science, Yuan Ze University
- Ming-Chien Hsu (Graduate Year: 2015),Research Fellow, Hon Hai Quantum Computing Research Center
- Kuo-Chin Chen (Graduate Year: 2016),Research Fellow, Hon Hai Quantum Computing Research Center
- Tsung-Wei Huang (Graduate Year: 2017),Assistant Professor, Department of Information and Computer Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University
- Chi-Ho Cheung (Graduate Year: 2018),Postdoctoral, Huazhong University of Science and Technology School of Physics
- Wei-Ying Cheng (Graduate Year: 2020),TA of Lab for Electronics, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
- The nanostorage for industrial applications, (MOEA) (2008-2011).
- Spin polarized transport in two dimensional system (NSC) (2009-2012).
- Impurity-induced quantum interference within finite-size topological insulator (NSC) (2011- 2014) (International cooperation with Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Exotic Spin Transport with in Low-Dimensional Novel Nanostructures (NSC) (2012-2015)
- Planarization of 3D high performance magnetoresistance measurement and its application (MOEA) (2012-2015)
- Enhancement of IoT hardware security and Intelligent with Stt RAM (MOST) (2016-2017)
- Impurity-induced quantum interference within finite-size topological insulator (MOST) (2015-2018)
- Spin Manipulation and detection in an integrated graphene-NV device (2017-2019).
- The optical, electrical, magnetic and strains effects study of two-dimensional materials adsorbed gas molecules (MOST) (2018-2021).
Selected Publications |
[Publication list]
During his academic career, 276 SCI journal articles had been published, only the papers
published during 2011-2020 are listed below for reference:
- Zhang, Duan; Wu, Yecun; Su, Yu-Hsin; Hsu, Ming-Chien; Coileain, Cormac O.; Cho, Jiung; Choi, Miri; Chun, Byong Sun ; Guo, Yao; Chang, Ching-Ray; Wu, Han-Chun. “Charge density waves and degenerate modes in exfoliated monolayer 2H-TaS2”. IUCRJ, 7, 913-919. Sep. 2020.
- Lv, Yanhui; Li, Hui; Coileain, Cormac O.; Zhang, Duan; Heng, Chenglin; Chang, Ching-Ray; Hung, K-M; Cheng, Huang Hsiang; Wu, Han-Chun. “Photoelectrical properties of graphene/doped GeSn vertical heterostructures”. RSC ADVANCES, 10(35), 20921-20927. Jun. 2020.
- Yan, Wenjie; Lv, Chengzhai; Zhang, Duan; Chen, Yanhui; Zhang, Lei; Coileain, Cormac O.; Wang, Zhi; Jiang, Zhaotan; Hung, Kuan-Ming; Chang, Ching-Ray; Wu, Han-Chun. “Enhanced NO2 Sensitivity in Schottky-Contacted nType SnS2 Gas Sensors”. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 12(23), 26746-26754. Jun. 2020.
- Chien, Wei-Chen; Chang, Yu-Chian; Tsou, Yao-Tung; Kuo, Sy-Yen; Chang, Ching-Ray. “STTDPSA: Digital PUF-Based Secure Authentication Using STT-MRAM for the Internet of Things”. MICROMACHINES, 11(5), 502. May, 2020.
- Wang, Meng-Chien; Huang, Che-Chun; Cheung, Chi-Ho; Chen, Chih-Yu; Tan, Seng Ghee; Huang, Tsung-Wei; Zhao, Yue; Zhao, Yanfeng; Wu, Gang; Feng, Yuan-Ping; Wu, Han-Chun; Chang, ChingRay. “Prospects and Opportunities of 2D van der Waals Magnetic Systems”. ANNALEN DER PHYSIK, 532(5), 1900452. May, 2020.
- Li, Bowen; Zhu, Lin; Wu, Chunyan; Yao, Kailun; Chang, Ching-Ray. “Photon-assisted spin transport in blue phosphorene nanotubes”. NANOTECHNOLOGY, 31(14), 145206. Apr. 2020.
- Zhao, Yan-Feng; Fuh, Huei-Ru; Coileain, Cormac o; Cullen, Conor P.; Stimpel-Lindner, Tanja; Duesberg, Georg S.; Leonardo Camargo Moreira, Oscar; Zhang, Duan; Cho, Jiung; Choi, Miri; Chun, Byong Sun; Chang, Ching-Ray; Wu, Han-Chun. “Highly Sensitive, Selective, Stable, and Flexible NO2 Sensor Based on GaSe”. ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, 5(4), 1901085, Apr. 2020.
- Lv, Chengzhai; Yan, Wenjie; Shieh, Tung-Ho; Zhao, Yue; Wu, Gang; Zhao, Yanfeng; Lv, Yanhui; Zhang, Duan; Chen, Yanhui; Arora, Sunil K.; Coileain, Cormac O.; Chang, Ching-Ray; Cheng, Hung Hsiang; Hung, Kuan-Ming; Wu, Han-Chun. “Electrical Contact Barriers between a ThreeDimensional Metal and Layered SnS2”. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 12(13), 15830-15836, Apr. 2020.
- Wang, Meng-Chien; Huang, Che-Chun; Cheung, Chi-Ho; Chen, Chih-Yu; Tan, Seng Ghee; Huang, Tsung-Wei; Zhao, Yue; Zhao, Yanfeng; Wu, Gang; Feng, Yuan-Ping; Wu, Han-Chun; Chang, ChingRay. “Prospects and Opportunities of 2D van der Waals Magnetic Systems”. ANNALEN DER PHYSIK, 1900452, Mar. 2020.
- Cheng, Wei-Ying; Fuh, Huei-Ru; Chang, Ching-Ray. “First-Principles Study for Gas Sensing of Defective SnSe2 Monolayers”. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 10(5), 1623, Mar. 2020.
- Tsou, Yao-Tung; Zhen, Hao; Kuo, Sy-Yen; Chang, Ching-Ray; Fukushima, Akio; Rong, BorDoou. “SPARR: Spintronics-based private aggregatable randomized response for crowdsourced data collection and analysis”. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, 152, 8-18. Feb. 2020.
- Chang, Rui-An; Chang, Ching-Ray. “Chern insulator in a ferromagnetic two-dimensional electron system with Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling”. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 21(10), 103019. Oct. 2019.
- Moreira, Oscar Leonardo Camargo; Cheng, Wei-Ying; Fuh, Huei-Ru; Chien, Wei-Chen; Yang, Wenjie; Fei, Haifeng; Xu, Hongjun ; Zhang, Duan; Chen, Yanhui; Zhao, Yanfeng; Lv, Yanhui; Wu, Gang; Lv, Chengzhai; Arora, Sunil K.; Coileain, Cormac O.; Heng, Chenglin; Chang, Ching-Ray; Wu, Han-Chun. “High Selectivity Gas Sensing and Charge Transfer of SnSe2”. ACS SENSORS, 4(9), 2546-2552. Sep. 2019.
- Huang, H. T.; Garu, P.; Li, C. H. ; Chang, W. C.; Chen, B. W.; Sung, S. Y.; Lee, C. M.; Chen, J. Y.; Hsieh, T. F.; Sheu, W. J.; Ouyang, H.; Wang, W. C.; Chang, C. R.; Wang, C. L.; Hsu, M. S.; Wei, Z. H. “Magnetoresistive Biosensors for Direct Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticle Conjugated Biomarkers on a Chip”. SPIN, 9(2), 1940002. Jun. 2019.
- Chen, Jenq-Wei; Chiou, Kuan Ru; Hsueh, An-Chih; Chang, Ching-Ray. “Dielectric relaxation of the double perovskite oxide Ba2PrRuO6”. RSC ADVANCES, 9(22), 12319-12324. April 2019.
- Sarkar, Partha; Lu, Chih-Cheng; Jeng, Jen-Tzong; Yuan, Fu-Te ; Lai, Meng-Huang; Chiriac, Horia; Lupu, Nicoleta; Chang, Ching-Ray. “Soft ferromagnetic amorphous microwires for GMI sensing cores”. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 474, 107-110. Mar 2019.
- Fei, Haifeng; Wu, Gang; Cheng, Wei-Ying; Yan, Wenjie; Xu, Hongjun; Zhang, Duan; Zhao, Yanfeng; Lv, Yanhui; Chen, Yanhui; Zhang, Lei; Coileain, Cormac O.; Heng, Chenglin; Chang, Ching-Ray; Wu, Han-Chun. “Enhanced NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature with Graphene via Monodisperse Polystyrene Bead Decoration”. ACS OMEGA, 4(2), 3812-3819. Feb. 2019.
- Xu, Hongjun; Huang, Hsin-Pan; Fei, HaiFeng; Feng, Jiafeng; Fuh, Huei-Ru; Cho, Jiung; Choi, Miri; Chen, Yanhui; Zhang, Lei; Chen, Dengyun; Zhang, Duan; Coileain, Cormac; Han, Xiufeng; Chang, Ching -Ray; Wu, Han-Chun. “Strategy for Fabricating Wafer-Scale Platinum Disulfide”. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 11(8), 8202-8209, Feb. 2019.
- Yan, WJ ; Chen, DY; Fuh, Huei-Ru ; Li, YL ; Zhang, D. ; Liu, HJ ; Wu, G. ; Zhang, L. ; Ren, XK ; Cho, J. ; Choi, M.; Chun, BS ; Coileain, CO. ; Xu, Hong-Jun ; Wang, Z.; Jiang, ZT ; Chang, Ching-Ray ; Wu, HC, “Photo-enhanced gas sensing of SnS2 with nanoscale defects”, RSC ADVANCES, vol.9(2), 626-635, Jan 2019.
- Chi-Ho Cheung, R C Xiao, Ming-Chien Hsu, Huei-Ru Fuh, Yeu-Chung Lin and Ching-Ray Chang, “Systematic analysis for triple points in all magnetic symmorphic systems and symmetry-allowed coexistence of Dirac points and triple points”, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, vol.20, 123002, DEC 5 2018.
- Siu, Zhuo Bin ; Chang, Jian-Yuan ; Tan, Seng Ghee ; Jalil, Mansoor B. A. ; and Chang, Ching-Ray; “Curvature induced quantum phase transitions in an electron-hole system”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 8, 16497, NOV 7 2018
- Hsu, Ming-Chien ; Yao, Liang-Zi ; Tan, Seng Ghee ; Chang, Ching-Ray ; etc., “Inherent orbital spin textures in Rashba effect and their implications in spin-orbitronics”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, vol.30 (28), 285502, JUL 18 2018.
- Jia, Tanhua ; Fuh, Huei-Ru ; Chen, Dengyun ; Abid, Mohamed ; Abid, Mourad; Zhang, Duan ; Sarker, Anas B. ; Cho, Jiung ; Choi, Miri ; Chun, Byong Sun ; Xu, Hongjun ; Coileain, Cormac O. ;Liu, Huajun ; Ching-Ray Chang; and Wu, Han-Chun, ”Giant and Linear Piezo-Phototronic Response in Layered GaSe Nanosheets“, ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, vol.4 (4), 1700447, APR 2018.
- Xu, Hongjun; Hsu, Ming-Chien; Fuh, Huei-Ru; Wu, Han-Chun etc.; and Chang, Ching-Ray,” Threshold magnetoresistance in anistropic magnetic 2D transition metal dichalcogenides”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, vol.6(12), 3058-3064, March 28, 2018.
- Ivo Klik, James McHugh, Roy W. Chantrell, and Ching-Ray Chang, “Debye formulas for a relaxing system with memory”. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, volume 8 ,3271, February 2018.
- Luong, Van Su; Su, Yu-Hsin; Lu, Chih-Cheng; Jeng, Jen-Tzong; Hsu, Jen-Hwa; Liao, Ming-Han; Wu, Jong-Ching; Lai, Meng-Huang; Chang, Ching-Ray. “Planarization, Fabrication, and Characterization of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field Sensors”. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, 17(1),11-25, Jan. 2018.
- Yuan Ping Feng, Lei Shen, Ming Yang, Aizhu Wang, Minggang Zeng, Qingyun Wu, Sandhya Chintalapati and Ching-Ray Chang, “Prospects of spintronics based on 2D materials”, WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-COMPUTATIONAL MOLECULAR SCIENCE, Sep-Oct 2017.
- Luo, GY ; Lin, JG ; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Spin pump and probe in lanthanum strontium manganite/platinum bilayer”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, volume 7, Pages .6612, JUL 26 2017.
- Zhang, Liang ; Lin, Ben-Chuan ; Wu, Yan-Fei; (Wu, Han-Chun; Huang, Tsung-Wei ; Chang, Ching-Ray, etc.,” Electronic Coupling between Graphene and Topological Insulator Induced Anomalous Magnetotransport Properties”, ACS NANO, Volume 11, pages 6277-6285, JUN 2017.
- YC Wu, et. al., Ching-Ray Chang and Han-Chun Wu, “Simultaneous large continuous band gap tunability and photoluminescence enhancement in GaSe nanosheets via elastic strain engineering”, Nano Energy, Volume 32, Pages 157–164, February 2017.
- Wu, Han-Chun; Chaika, Alexander; Hsu, Ming-Chien; Huang, Tsung-Wei; Abid, Mourad; Abid, Mohamed; Aristov, Victor Yu; Molodtsova, Olga V.; Babenkov, Sergey V.; Niu, Yuran; Murphy, Barry E.; Krasnikov, Sergey A.; Lubben, Olaf; Liu, Huajun; Chun, Byong Sun; Janabi, Yahya T.; Molotkov, Sergei N.; Shvets, Igor V.; Lichtenstein, Alexander I.; Katsnelson, Mikhail I.; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Large positive in-plane magnetoresistance induced by localized states at nanodomain boundaries in graphene. Nature Communications, Vol. 8, 14453, Feb.2017.
- Chen, Hao-Hsuan; Zhang, Zongzhi; Chang, Ching-Ray; Liu, Yaowen, “Nonlinear stability analysis for a spin-torque nano-oscillator with a perpendicular spin polarizer: A pendulum-like model”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 121(1), 013902, Jan. 2017.
- Fuh, Huei-Ru, Yan, Binghai, Wu, Shu-Chun, Felser Claudia, Chang, Ching-Ray, “Metal-insulator transition and the anomalous Hall effect in the layered magnetic materials VS2 and VSe2. New Journal of Physics”, Vol.18, 113038, Nov. 2016.
- Cheung, Chi-Ho, Fuh, Huei-Ru, Hsu, Ming-Chien, Lin, Yeu-Chung, Chang, Ching-Ray, “Spin Orbit Coupling Gap and Indirect Gap in Strain-Tuned Topological Insulator-Antimonene” NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol.11, 459, Oct. 2016.
- Huei-Ru Fuh, Ching-Ray Chang, Yin-Kuo Wang, Richard F.L. Evans, Roy W. Chantrell, Horng-Tay Jeng, “Newtype single-layer magnetic semiconductor in transition-metal dichalcogenides VX2(X=S, Se and Te), Scientific Reports, Vol.6,32625, Sep. 2016.
- Han-Chun Wu, et. al. and Ching-Ray Chang, “Anomalous Anisotropic Magnetoresistance of Antiferromagnetic Epitaxial Bimetallic Films: Mn2Au and Mn2Au/Fe Bilayers”, Adv. Fun Mater, Vol.26,32, pp. 5884-5892, Aug. 2016.
- Das, Bipul, Lee, Y. C., Li, L. C., Yi-Shiou, Liu, Suen, Y. W., Horng, Lance, Wu, Te-Ho, Chang, C. R., Wu. Jung-Ching, “Low-Frequency Noise Characterization of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB MTJ-Based Perpendicular Field Sensor”, IEEE Trans Mag., Vol.52, 4001004, Jul. 2016.
- Luong, Van Su, Jeng, Jen-Tzong, Hsu, Jen-Hwa, Chang, Ching-Ray, Lu, Chih-Cheng, “Tunneling-Magnetoresistance Vector Magnetometer with Deflection Flux-Chopper”, IEEE Trans Mag., Vol.52, 4001204, Jul. 2016.
- Chen, Hao-Hsuan; Lee, Ching-Ming; Zhang, Zongzhi; Liu, Yaowen; Wu, Jong-Ching; Horng, Lance; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Phase locking of spin-torque nano-oscillator pairs with magnetic dipolar coupling”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B Vol. 93, 224410, Jun. 8. 2016.
- Su, Yu-Hsin; Chen, Son-Hsien; Hu, C; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Competition between spin-orbit interaction and exchange coupling within a honeycomb lattice ribbon", JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS (J Phys. D), Vol. 49, 015305, Jan 13. 2016.
- Chen, Kuo-Chin, Lee, Hsin-Han, and Ching-Ray Chang, “ Persistent quantum resonance in Spin Hall transport”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 93, 035405, Jan 2016.
- Chen, Hao-Hsuan; Zhang, Zongzhi; Liu, Yaowen; Ching-Ray Chang ; “Stray Field Dependence of Threshold Current in a Spin-Torque Oscillator With a Perpendicular Spin Polarizer”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, Vol. 51, 1401104, NOV 2015
- Luong, VS ; Jeng, JT ; Lai, BL ;Hsu, JH ; Ching-Ray Chang ; Lu, CC ,“Design of 3-D Magnetic Field Sensor With Single Bridge of Spin-Valve Giant Magnetoresistance Films”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, Vol. 51, 4004504,NOV 2015
- Saravanan, P.; Hsu, Jen-Hwa; Cherif, Salim Mourad; and Ching-Ray Chang, et., ”Correlation between static and dynamic magnetic properties of highly perpendicular magnetized Co49Pt51 thin films”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol.92, 144431, OCT 30 2015
- Chang, Jui-Hang; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Tunable three-axis magnetoresistance sensor with a spin-polarised current” JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 48, 405004, OCT 14 2015
- Luo, G. Y.; Belmeguenai, M.; Roussigne, Y.; Lin, JG, and Ching-Ray Chang, et., “Enhanced magnetic damping in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 capped by normal metal layer” , AIP ADVANCES, Vol 5, 097148, SEP 2015
- Wu, HC ; Chaika, AN; Huang, TW and Ching-Ray Chang, et., “Transport Gap Opening and High On-Off Current Ratio in Trilayer Graphene with Self-Aligned Nanodomain Boundaries”, ACS NANO vol. 9, 8967-8975 , SEP 2015
- Ming-Chien Hsu, Yeu-Chung Lin, and Chang, Ching-Ray, "Finite Size Effect of Nondegenerate Edge States in Annulus Topological Insulators", J, Appl., Phys., Vol 118, 043909, July 28, 2015
- Chen, Son-Hsien, Sun, Shih-Jye, Su Yu-Hsin, Chang, Ching-Ray, “Asymmetric edge modes by staggered potential in honeycomb lattice: Spin splitter”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 117, 17C705, May 7 2015
- Fuh, Huei-Ru; Weng, Ke-Chuan; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Electronic structure of ferromagnetic semiconductor material on the monoclinic and rhombohedral ordered double perovskites La2FeCoO6”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 117, 17B902, MAY 7 2015
- Lee, YC, Chao, CT, Li, LC, Suen, YW, Horng, Lance,Wu, Te-Ho ; Ching-Ray Chang, Wu, JC, “Magnetic tunnel junction based out-of-plane field sensor with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in reference layer”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 117, 17A320, MAY 7 2015
- Bo-Ray Lee, Ching-Ray Chang, Ivo Klik, “Spin transport in multiple connected fractal conductors”, SPIN, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1450007, 9 December 2014.
- Luong, Van-Su; Chang, Chin-Hsiung; Jeng, Jen-Tzong, Chang,Ching-Ray,“Reduction of Low-Frequency Noise in Tunneling-Magnetoresistance Sensors With a Modulated Magnetic Shielding” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS Vol.50, 11 ,p. 4005904 , NOV 2014
- Siu, Zhuo Bin; Jalil, Mansoor B. A.; Chang, Ching-Ray, ”Persistent Spin Helix Spin Polarizer”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, Vol. 50, 11, p.1300604, NOV 2014
- Chang, Jui-Hang; Chang, Ching-Ray; “Tunable surface anisotropy of synthetic antiferromagnetic free layer” , JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.116, 013902 , JUL 7 2014
- Chen, Kuo-Chin ; Su, Yu-Hsin; Chen, Son-Hsien ; Chang, Ching-Ray; “Non-equilibrium study of spin wave interference in systems with both Rashba and Dresselhaus (001) spin-orbit coupling”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.115, 17C305, MAY 7 2014
- Luo, GY ; Chang, Ching-Ray ; Lin, JG; “Influence of damping constant on inverse spin hall voltage of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3(x)/platinum bilayers” , JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol.115, 17C508, MAY 7 2014
- Chen, Hao-Hsuan; Lee, Ching-Ming; Wu, Jong-Ching, Chang, Ching-Ray;” Synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators through dipolar interactions”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.115, 134306, APR 7 2014
- Chang, Jui-Hang; Chang, Ching-Ray; “Influence of Film Thickness on Magnetic Tunneling Junction Sensor with In-Plane/Out-of-Plane Sensing Capabilities”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol.50, 4000804 , Jan, 2014
- Hsin-Han Lee, Jiun-Yue Liu, Shun-Qing Shen, and Ching-Ray Chang; “Impurity influence in quantum spin Hall transport”, Phys. Rev. B vol.88, 195149 ,NOV.25,2013
- Chen, Kuo-Wei; Su, Yu-Hsin; Chen, Son-Hsien; Chang, Ching-Ray ; “Quantum interference and sharp spin polarization on a double quantum dot: Role of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction” PHYSICAL REVIEW B vol: 88, 035443, JUL 29 2013
- Luo, G. Y. ; Chang,Ching-Ray ; Lin, J. G., “Thickness Dependent Spin Pumping Effects in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Platinum Bilayer Film”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS , vol.49, 4371-4374 , JUL 2013
- Chui, S. T.; Lin, Z. F.; Chang,Ching-Ray; “Nonlocal optical generation of spin and charge currents on the surface of magnetic insulators using total absorption and surface plasmons”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS , vol 113, 233910, JUN 21 2013
- Chang, Jian-Yuan; Wu, Jhih-Sheng; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Exact Hamiltonians with Rashba and cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings on a curved surface”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 174413 , MAY 8 2013
- Chang, Jui-Hang; Chen, Hao-Hsuan; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Reduction of critical current density in a spin valve with a perpendicular polarizer and a planar biaxial free layer” , JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, vol 46, 035002, Jan 2013
- Chen, Son-Hsien; Chen, Chien-Liang; Chang, Ching-Ray, “Spin-charge conversion in a multiterminal Aharonov-Casher ring coupled to precessing ferromagnets: A charge-conserving Floquet nonequilibrium Green function approach”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87,045402 (2013)
- Luo, G. Y., Song, M. Y., Hung, H. Y., Chiu, Y. C., Kwo, J., Lee, S. F., Chang, Ching-Ray, Lin, J. G., “Spin Pumping Induced Inverse Spin-Hall Effects in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Platinum Bilayer Film”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol.48, 3958-3960, (2012).
- CL Chen, Ching-Ray Chang and B. Nickolic, “Quantum coherence and its dephasing in the giant spin Hall effect and nonlocal voltage induced by magnetotransport through multiterminal graphene bars”, Phys. Rev. B 85, 155414 , Jan 2 2012
- Chen Chien-Liang; Su Yu-Hsin and Chang Ching-Ray, “Spin-orbit force in graphene with Rashba spin-orbit coupling”, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07B330 (2012)
- Lee Hsin-Han and Chang Ching-Ray, “Spin transport calculation for the branch-shaped zigzag graphene nano-ribbon”, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C521 (2012).
- Su Yu-Hsin; Chen Chien-Liang; Chen Kuo-Wei and Chang Ching-Ray, “Spin stability and magnetic screening of a magnetic impurity in four-terminal Landauer setup with Rashba spin-orbit coupling”, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C324 (2012)
- JH Chang, HH Chen and Ching-Ray Chang, “Multiple-Step Relaxing-Precessional Magnetization Switching”, IEEE Trans. Magn., Mag. Vol.47,issue10, 3876, (2011)
- T.C. Cheng, J.Y. Chen and Ching-Ray Chang, “Geometrical Effect on the Non-Abelian Spin-orbital Gauge Field of a Curved Surface”, Physical Review B, B84, 214423, Dec 2011.
- M.Y. Song , W.C. Chen, Daniel Hsu, Ching-Ray Chang, and J.G. Lin, “Modulated room temperature magnetoresistance in manganite superlattices”, Appl Phys A, 104, 811–813,(2011).
- H.H. Chen, J.H. Chang and Ching-Ray Chang, “Synchronization of spin-torque nano-osciallators from an induced corrugated attractor”, SPIN, vol. 1, 1-20, (2011).
- Chang, Jui-Hang, Chen, Hao-Hsuan, Chang, Ching-Ray and Yaowen Liu,” Phase locking of dynamical modes in a nanomagnetic oscillator with a circularly spin-polarized current”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 054457 (2011).
- Liu, Ming-Hao; Wu, Jhih-Sheng; Chen, Son-Hsien and Chang,Ching-Ray, “Spin and charge transport in U-shaped one-dimensional channels with spin-orbit couplings”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 085307 (2011) , August 22, 2011
- Hou Zhiwei; Liu Yaowen; Cardoso Susana; Freitas Paulo P.; Chen Haohsun; and Ching-Ray Chang,”Dynamics of the reference layer driven by spin-transfer torque: Analytical versus simulation model”, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 113914 (2011)
- D. Cimpoesu, I. Klik, C. R. Chang, A. Stancu, L. Spinu, “Thermally activated transitions in a system of two single domain ferromagnetic particles”, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07D339 (2011)
- Su Yu-Hsin; Chen Son-Hsien; Chen Kuo-Wei; Chen Chien-Liang; Chang Ching-Ray, “Spin flip of a single anisotropic magnetic impurity in four-terminal Landauer setup with Rashba spin-orbit coupling”, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07C721 (2011)
- Chen Chien-Liang; Su Yu-Hsin; Chen Kuo-Wei; and Ching-Ray Chang, “Enhanced spin Hall accumulation with two charge current vortices in the Landauer setup with four terminals”, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07C715 (2011)
- Ivo Klik and Ching-Ray Chang, “Complex conjugate eigenvalues in the spectrum of an operator for resonant activation”, Physical Review E, 83, 042101, (2011)
- JS Yang, CM Lee, and Ching-Ray Chang,” Switching Behavior of Vortex Cores in Bilayer Nanodots by Uniform Magnetic Field Pulses”, IEEE Trans. Magn., Mag-47, 641-6444, (2011)
- J. H. Chang, H. H. Chen, and Ching-Ray Chang, “Instabilities of a spin-valve system with perpendicular polarizer and in-plane bias field”, Physical Review B, B83, 054425, (2011)
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