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Department of Physics,National Taiwan University

Faculty(by Research)

Min-Zu Wang

Name   王名儒
 Min-Zu Wang
Title   Professor
Education   Ph.D., University of Iowa (1993) 
Office   526
Tel   02-3366-5150



Experimental High Energy Physics 

  1. CP Violation of Rare B Decays (Belle) 
  2. Two Photon Physics (Belle) 
  3. Cold Dark Matter Search (TEXONO) 
  4. Proton Structure Function (ZEUS) 
  5. Calorimeter Calibration (E790) 
  6. J/y Physics (MARKIII)
Selected Publications
  1. Belle Collaboration (J.-H. Chen, M.-Z. Wang* et al.), 2008: Observation of B0 to ppbar K*0 with a large K*0 polarization Phys.Rev.Lett.100:251801.
  2. Belle Collaboration (J.-T. Wei, M.-Z. Wang* et al.), 2008: Study of B+ to ppbar K+ and ppbarπ+ Phys.Lett.B.659:80.
  3. Belle Collaboration (M.-Z. Wang*, Y.-J. Lee et al.), 2007 : Study of B+ to p Lambdabar γ, p Lambdabarπ0 and B0 to p Lambdabarπ-Phys.Rev.D.76:052004.
  4. Belle Collaboration (C.-H. Wu, M.-Z.Wang* et al.), 2006: Study of J/psi to p pbar, Lambda Lambdabar and Observation of etac to Lambda Lambdabar at Belle Phys.Rev.Lett.97:162003.
  5. Belle Collaboration (M.-Z.Wang* et al.), 2005: Study of the Baryon-Antibaryon Low-Mass Enhancements in Charmless Three-body Baryonic B Decays Phys.Lett.B617:141.
  6. Belle Collaboration (Y.-J.Lee, M.-Z.Wang* et al.), 2005: Observation of B+ → p Lambdabar γ Phys.Rev.Lett.95:061802.
  7. Belle Collaboration (Y.J. Lee*, M.Z. Wang et al.), 2004: Observation of B+ →Lambda Lambdabar K+. Phys.Rev.Lett.93:211801.
  8. Belle Collaboration (M.Z. Wang* et al.), 2004: Observation of B+ → ppbarπ+, B0 → ppbarK0, and B+ → ppbarK*+. Phys.Rev.Lett.92:131801.
  9. Belle Collaboration (M.Z. Wang*, Y.J. Lee et al.), 2003: Observation of the Decay B0 → p Lambdabar π- at Belle. Phys.Rev.Lett.90:201802.
  10. Belle Collaboration (K. Abe……M.Z. Wang* et al.) 2002: Observation of B+ → ppbarK+ Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 181803.
  11. Belle Collaboration (K. Abe……M.Z. Wang* et al.) 2002: Search for Charmless Two-body Baryonic Decays of B mesons Phys. Rev. D65:091103.
  12. TEXONO Collaboration (M.Z. Wang et al.) 2002: Nuclear Recoil Measurement in CsI(Tl) Crystal for Cold Dark Matter Detection Phys.Lett.B536:203-208.