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Department of Physics,National Taiwan University

Faculty(by Research)

Yu-tin Huang

Name   黃宇廷
 Yu-tin Huang
Title   Professor
Education   Ph.D.SUNY- Stony Brook(2009)
Office   814
Tel   02-3366-5194


  1.  Post Doctoral Research associate, University of California at Los Angeles, Sept 2009 -- Aug 2012.
  2.  Post Doctoral Research associate, University of Michigan, Sept 2012 -- Aug 2013.
  3.  Member, Institute for Advanced Studies Princeton, Sept 2013--Sept 2015.
Selected Publications


Books: "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theory and Gravity" H. Elvang and Y-t Huang, Cambridge University Press (ISBN-10: 1107069254)

Selected Articles

  1. "Integrable Amplitude Deformations for N=4 Super Yang--Mills and ABJM Theory", T Bargheer, F Loebbert, Y-t Huang and M~Yamazaki, [arXiv:1407.4449].
  2. "ABJM amplitudes and the positive orthogonal grassmannian"}, Y-t Huang and Congkao Wen, JHEP 1402 (2014) 104 [arXiv: 1309.3252].
  3. "Consistency conditions from generalized-unitarity", Y-t Huang and D. McGady, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112: (2014) 241601 [arXiv: 1307.4065].
  4. "An analytic result of the two-loop six-point amplitude in ABJM theory", Y-t Huang and S~Caron-Huot, JHEP 1303: (2013) 075 [arXiv:1210.4226].
  5. "Equivalent D=3 Supergravity Amplitudes from Double Copies of Three-Algebra and Two-Algebra Gauge Theories",Y-t Huang and Henrik Johansson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110: (2013) 171601 [arxiv:1210.2255]
  6. "A new integral formula for supersymmetric scattering amplitudes in three dimensions,', Y-t Huang and Sangmin Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109: (2012) 191601 [arXiv:1207.4851].
  7. "Absence of Three-Loop Four-Point Divergences in N=4 Supergravity" , Z. Bern, S. Davies, T. Dennen and Y-t Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108: (2012) 201301 [arXiv:1202.3423]
  8. "Dualities for Loop Amplitudes of N=6 Chern-Simons Matter Theory"}, Y-t Huang and Wei Ming Chang, JHEP 1111: (2011) 057 [arXiv:1107.2710]
  9. "Tree-level Recursion Relation and Dual Superconformal Symmetry of the ABJM Theory", Dongmin Gang, Y-t Huang, Eunkyung Koh, Sangmin Lee, and Arthur E. Lipstein, JHEP 1103: (2011) 116 []
  10. "Generalized Unitarity and Six-Dimensional Helicity" , Zvi Bern, John Joseph Carrasco, Tristan Dennen, Y-t Huang and Harold Ita, Phys. Rev. D 83: (2011) 085022 []
  11. "Dual Superconformal Symmetry of N=6 Chern-Simons Theory", Y-t Huang and Arthur Lipstein, JHEP 1011: (2010) 076 []
  12. "Gravity as the Square of Gauge Theory", Zvi Bern, Tristan Dennen, Y-t Huang and Michael Kiermaier, Phys. Rev. D 82: (2010) 065003 []
  13. "First-Quantized N=4 SYM" , Machiko Hatsuda, Y-t Huang and Warren Siegel, JHEP 0904: (2009) 058 []
  14. "Worldgraph Approach to Yang-Mills Amplitudes from N=2 Spinning Particle", Peng Dai, Y-t Huang and Warren Siegel, JHEP 0810: (2008) 027 [arXiv:0807.0391]
  15. "N=4 SYM NMHV Loop Amplitude in Superspace", Y-t Huang, Phys. Lett. B 631 (2005) 177-186 [ ,hep-th/0507117]